Technology & Software Due Diligence

What is tech and software due diligence?
Tech and software due diligence is a comprehensive process of analyzing and evaluating the technology and software assets of a company to assess its strengths, weaknesses, and risks. The aim is to provide search fund investors and searchers with a clear understanding of the company’s technology and software infrastructure, architecture, security, compliance, development processes, and people & organization.

Why is Technology and Software Due Diligence important during the pre-acquisition phase?
Technology and software assets are critical drivers of value and success in today's business landscape. Through detailed analysis, Tech/ Software Due Diligence helps search fund investors, and searchers identify potential vulnerabilities, technical debt, scalability limitations, security gaps, and regulatory compliance issues allowing for making informed decisions, negotiating better terms, and developing strategies to mitigate identified risks. Additionally, it helps identify growth opportunities and ensures alignment between technology and business objectives.

Do you provide recommendations or suggestions based on the findings of the due diligence?
Yes, based on the findings of the due diligence, we provide detailed recommendations and suggestions tailored to the specific needs and goals of the business. These recommendations aim to address identified weaknesses, mitigate risks, and optimize the technology stack to support the target company's continued growth and success.

What deliverables can search fund investors and principals expect from Technology and Software Due Diligence?
Investors/Principals receive a comprehensive due diligence report highlighting key findings, risks, and recommendations related to the technology and software assets.

What does the Technology and Software Due Diligence process involve?
The process typically includes a thorough assessment of technical documentation, software architecture, code quality, infrastructure setup, security measures, compliance with industry standards, and evaluation of vendor management practices. It may also involve interviews with key stakeholders and technical experts.

How long does the Technology and Software Due Diligence process typically take?
The due diligence process typically takes 2-4 weeks, although this can vary depending on the complexity and scope of the technology infrastructure.


How can I get started with Tech Stack Council?
Getting started is easy! Simply reach out to us through our website or book a video meeting with us. We'll schedule an initial consultation to discuss your project requirements, goals, and timelines.

Can Tech Stack Council sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)?
Yes, we understand the importance of confidentiality and are willing to sign non-disclosure agreements to protect your intellectual property and sensitive information.